best indian wedding planner in thailand

 At Shanqh Luxury Events, we live and breathe planning & management

Do you wish to have a meticulous and perfectly organized wedding ceremony? Wedding planning is the toughest job, the skill and expertise involved in organizing and managing event tasks under time constraint is something Shanqh has supremacy over. We know the emotions of the groom, the bride and their families, which are associated with a marriage. Believe us, we have the best wedding planning experts for you at your service. Every aspect of an ideal wedding will be taken care of, all within your budgets.

You will have to do a lot of things and on top of it prepare yourself for the wedding. The true support of a wedding planner is essential. We provide all wedding related services – starting from venue selection to honeymoon packages. Choose from a blast of options we provide and we will have them ready for you.

We are experts in Domestic and International destination marriages too – with bases in  INDIA | UAE | THAILAND | SRI LANKA | NEPAL | INDONESIA | BAHRAIN | ITALY | TURKEY | MALAYSIA | VIETNAM | PHILIPPINES
Below is a short list of services we provide:

1. Venue Management – (Site Selection, Budgeting, Booking, Indoor/ Outdoor/ Destination)

2. Invitations – (Designing, Wedding Card, Gift Hampers, Wedding Website)

3. Décor and Ambience Management – (Flowering, Decorating, Sound & Light, Thematic Décor -Western/Indian/Traditional/Bollywood/Historic/Retro)

4. Catering Management – (Food Type and Menu, Serving& Live Counters, Food Presentation, Bar – Customized/Theka/Island/Black Label/Absolut)

5. Guest Management – (RSVP Management, Hotel & Guest houses, Cab Management, Room Allocation, Food Management, Welcome Hampers, Tags, Welcome note, Event scheduler)

6. Entertainment Management – (DJ Style & Music – Traditional/Western/English, Special Artists (Singer/ Dancer /Musician/ Cultural/Indian/International, LED live screens)

7. Photography Management – (Story-lining, Scripting, Pre-wedding, Wedding, Candid, Traditional, Cinematography, Albums, Editing, Photo Booth, Wedding Story, Teasers, Photo Stands)

8.  Artist Management – (Mehandiwala, Choriwala, Band wala, Dholwala, Panditji, Choreographers, Cultural Auspicious Welcome: Broach, Garlands, Bands)

9. Parking & Transport Management – (Valet parking, Space and accommodation)

10. Permit Management – (Acquiring necessary permits, Liquor License, Sound Allowance, Time Allowance, VIP Movement Allowance)

11. Security Management – (Bouncers, Guarded men, General Security)

12. Honeymoon Planning – (Tour Packages – Domestic/International, Tour Video, Thematic Video Shoots, Surprise Gifts)

If you have a wedding, we have a solution!

Do away all your stress, Contact us today. Top Indian wedding planner for Weddings in Hua Hin, Rayong, Phuket, Pattaya. Thinking of a Thailand wedding? Call/WA +919910325805 | +919899744727 now!